Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Do we have a race?

I would say yes, I do have a race.

I think I was given a race, more then choosing to have one. We talked about how Winnie said people are different. Africans are different then African Americans, which i found to be VERY true. I feel like most other races are the ones who are making us feel like we have a race. Now I am not racist by any means, and do not feel that I have to be different towards people. At times though, it is that people make me feel out of place because I am white. I did not choose to be white.

I am not racist though. I love seeing mixed races getting along. I'm not much for controversy, and find joy in people getting along! :)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Customer Service!

If anyone else has ever worked in Customer Service, I feel for ya.

This summer I took up a position at Bed Bath and Beyond. It was hard work. You are constantly busy, and constantly helping people find things through-out the store. I'd never had a job before and didn't think that Bed Bath and Beyond was going to tire me out. I'm a pretty active person, but the first day I was on my feet for 7 hours straight. No breaks.

I never realized how stupid some of the questions we ask people are. I mean seriously. There were customers who'd come in EVERY day. They'd ask the same questions. I mean they lived in this store. They were there more then i was.

There was one lady, who would spend twenty dollars, on four different things. She'd bring in twenty percent coupons just to get one dollars back. When she would walk in, we'd play the nose game, to decide who would have to help her this time. The funny part was that we had really old computers, and to give them money back using a coupon, you'd have to type the scew in three times. These numbers were probably 25 numbers long.

I learned a lot about myself working at Bed Bath and Beyond, but think I learned more about other people then anything. :)

A time I was aware

When I was four-years-old, Andrea Steinhofer and I played soccer on an ALL boys team. This team was very competative and we had grown up with these boys. Our coach was a good family friend of ours, and loved us. He had two sons, and I felt like we were the daughters he never had.

We were pretty athletic girls to say the least, we were faster then most of the boys and if we ever had gotten the chance, we could have done much better. The team was called "the Heat," and we played on this team until seventh grade. Gender was always an issue with this team, we were the girls and no one that we were as good as them, and that we didn't deserve to play. Which was totally not the case. Andrea and I were fast. We grew up needing to be fast, just so we could get some playing time.

As we grew older, new guys would come on the team. Kids from other teams, who thought they were better then everyone. No one would pass to us, and I remember being told to go to the girls team numerous times. It wasn't fair, because after all of this, we were the original kids on this team, and we deserved to play.

I loved the heat, and so did Andrea. These boys were our best friends.

But, in the sixth grade, Andrea left me. She decided to go play for the golden girls. She got a lot more playing time, but I just couldn't give it up. I knew eventually i'd have to go to the girls team, but I didn't want to do it yet.

Seventh grade rolled around, and all the boys were going out for football. Soccer was no longer cool to any of the kids on the heat. Well, except me. I had to pursue my soccer career to the golden girls. I had a blast. But still every now and then, I look at all the trophys i've earned from the Boys team. It brings back a lot of memories. :)

Even though we were the girls, we still enjoyed it.

Monday, December 8, 2008

A soldiers letter

I thought about hyperlinking this letter,
but felt like no one would take the time to read it that way.
It is a STRONG letter. Please take the time to read it.

0920 15 NOVEMBER 2004 IRAQ
Mom & Dad,It is with a heavy heart that I write this. Yesterday marked one month since we left home. Yesterday was one of the hardest days of my life. Yesterday we laid to rest a brother in arms. He was just a kid, only 20, from Maryland. He was in B company, I didn't know him well, but I'd seen him around. He was the first KIA in 'Duece Four' in this war and, make no mistake, war it is. I couldn't tell you about him until after his family had been notified. At 1400 yesterday the memorial service took place. The most difficult part was when his First Sergeant called the final roll. The First Sergeant called the names of each member of his squad and each answered in turn. Then his name was called once, no response. Twice, no response. A third time, no response. Then 'Taps' began to play accompanied by the '21 gun salute'. We then filed by his helmet atop his rifle, dog tags hanging from it, all of this behind his boots and a picture of him, and each of us, individualy, turned to his equipment and rendered a final salute.
I know this is probably harder for you to read than it was for me to write, hard to believe though it is. There are some things I have been putting off saying, something I can no longer do. I am a SOLDIER. I am sworn to protect and defend and I will do that until my last breath, be it in the military or after, that is my calling. I have no desire to lose my life, but it is a price I am willing to pay for 'putting foot to ass' for my country in the name of freedom. I love you all more than life itself, that's why I'm here.Mosul is a cesspool of insurgents, they will give us no peace. [D]aily we bring the fight to their door. Before yesterday, even though we were here, it still wasn't real. We were still shooting at 'pop up targets' that can't hit back. Now they hit back. They screwd up. Our innocence is gone. We will fight with honor and obey the laws of war. We will go out of our way to help the innocent, but there will be no mercy for those who rise up against us or against their countrymen, for them hell will be unleashed.
I'm sorry that these things needed to be said, but you needed to know in case they ever call my final roll. I love and miss you all very much and I WILL be home before you know it. All my love, Dustin.

In class I was innocently looking through a ton of letters, and I couldn't find any that really hit home. I wanted a letter that would mean something, not only to me, but to Mr. Kunkle when he read it. I was having a difficult time and thought I should just pick the first three after that.

I came across it, and knew I wanted to use it right away.

It is about a young boy who is fighting over in Iraq. It seems like he is scared out of his mind, and needs some support from his family back home. I think the main reason he writes is because something bad happen. He experienced the first loss over there(it may not have been someone he knew, but a death is a death, and im sure everyone in our school was touched by the three suicides in our school. you may not have known them, but seeing people sad, loosing someone, it still is hard.) I think that is why I felt so passionate about this letter.

I feel for this guy. He is experiencing something that many people will not.
Soldiers are over there missing home, missing family but doing it for us.
God Bless our Soldiers.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Have I ever been censored?

hhhmm. this is an interesting question.

Yes, as a mater of fact, I have.

I grew up in a family of seven, me being the youngest of 5 kids.

Naturally, my brothers and sisters thought it was hilarious to make me swear.

(I was such an innocent kid!) but the catch was if I didn't swear, they'd tell mother I did.

My oldest brother Pat was the worst! I was probably the closest to him. We'd go shopping and he'd come hang out with me, even though we are so far apart in age. I grew up constantly yelling at him, "Stop using the F-Bomb!" thats what we'd call it.

Time went by, and I grew up and these words started to become more of my vocabulary.

He started going to this church where swearing seemed to be the end of the world.

One Christmas Eve, the whole family was over. It was odd enough that no one seems to like eachother these days, but everyone being so different was the hardest thing.

Pat: The church guy.
Joe: The "Bad ass".
Emily: The worried mother.
Alex: Head in the clouds.
Me: Innocent little sister.

I didn't know that I was no longer aloud to say "Damn" or "Hell" because my 27-year-old brother would be offended.

I was always snapped on, and felt like I was five-years-old again, when someone hears you say something "naughty" and you have to go sit on a time out.

I was almost 18. It had gotten a little ridiculous.

The guy who taught me what those words ment, the one who forced me to say them was the one treating me like a five-year-old.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Story of the absurd. :)

Every year my family takes a vacation to Panama City Beach, Fl. It was April of eighth grade year and Lindsey R came with our family. We met my cousins down there and on the first night decided to take a walk on the beach. Never having problems before, we thought this would be okay. It was 5:30 at night and very few people were on the beach at this point. We continued walking and saw an older gentleman "tanning" right by the water in his pink lawn chair. We thought it was odd, first because the sun is nearly gone, its kind of cold and he is sitting right in the open. As we grew closer to this man we noticed he was wearing a speedo. We continued to walk and all made it clear that no one would look at this man and we'd walk right by like nothing had happened, but as we were growing closer, I noticed this man was completely naked.

We were laughing, but tried to all hide it as we walked by. I dropped my flip flop just feet in front of him, and started SPRINTING to the other three girls. We continued walking for another half mile, and on our way back we noticed he was gone. We started walking faster as we were only a couple hotels away from ours, and were all laughing so hard that we couldn't wait to tell our parents and sibling what had happened. We were not two hotels away and I looked up and saw this man sitting in this chair with binoculars...FOLLOWING US with them. We started sprinting has fast as possible, as we saw him run to the road to get in this car and follow us. It was the scariest moment of my life. This grown man was following four young girls.

A year later we went to PCB again and this time the entire family was walking down to go eat dinner, while my cousins family were running a little late they were somewhat behind us. I told my mom that i thought the guy lived right up here, when we saw his dog and saw him...i started freakin' out. I acted like nothing happened, and when my cousin who was behind us showed up, i told her that I saw the man and his dog... "I PET THAT DOG!" she screamed.

Every year from now on, we joke about it and joke about how dumb we were and how absurd this whole incindent was. : )

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Open up. :)

Feeling out of place is probabley one of the most uncomfortable feelings one could have. Being in your norm is just what we're used to. In situations where you are out of your norm, you have to remember that it is probabley just as weird for the people whose norm your in. Make sense? So say your going out for a summer team. One from people all over. Everyone is friends, but just not with you. your the new kid. It is going to be weird for all of the people who are so used to just the "Normal" team. Just be yourself. I've lived this situation first hand, and don't have a doubt in my mind that everyone has felt out of place at one point in there life. So instead of making it awkward. Get out there. Open up. and Have fun! :)