Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Open up. :)

Feeling out of place is probabley one of the most uncomfortable feelings one could have. Being in your norm is just what we're used to. In situations where you are out of your norm, you have to remember that it is probabley just as weird for the people whose norm your in. Make sense? So say your going out for a summer team. One from people all over. Everyone is friends, but just not with you. your the new kid. It is going to be weird for all of the people who are so used to just the "Normal" team. Just be yourself. I've lived this situation first hand, and don't have a doubt in my mind that everyone has felt out of place at one point in there life. So instead of making it awkward. Get out there. Open up. and Have fun! :)


Lindsey R said...

I agree! I played on a team with girls who were all in college, and I was the only one still in high school. I felt like they all were better than me, and I felt like they thought I was bad because I was still in high school. It made me feel like they didnt want me there because I had replaced there old catcher who they loved and would always talk about, but it turned out they liked me too! I would have to agree that opening up and having a good time was what made it so much fun :)
good post!!


Nicole said...

I love the advice (: I completley agree with you about opening up to new situations because other wise you'll spend your life alone...or at least pretty bored..I'm a pretty shy person, but when i'm comfortable and am able to be outgoing, it does show people a side of me they've never seen.


Alyssa said...

Good advice, it is so true that everyone has felt that way. And what I say is that the more awkward you are the more awkward the other people are going to feel.

Morgan said...

I really loved your blog and your advice because we have all been there. We have all been in uncomforatble situations were we feel like the outcast or we just don't fit it, so I think your right and we should just be ourselves and make the most of the situation.