Thursday, November 6, 2008

My First Blog

Hello Bloggers. This is my first blog ever and i'm pretty excited about it.

In my College Literature class we have a "Poem of the day."

The day after election day we read a poem called Election day.

This presidential election was my first one, and it was exciting. I took a Poli Sci class last year and learned a lot more about politics. I became very fond of Senator Barack Obama. I knew I was planning to vote for him and I knew that what he had planned was going to help change our country.

It just so happen that a very close friend to me is a huge democrat along with her family. Her father lives in Washington DC and helped Barack, with his company, through his whole campaign. On November 4th we invited their family over for dinner, they said they were going to this democratic party at the Monona Terrace and asked me and my mother if we wanted to go. I thought "What the heck, this won't happen again and this beats doing homework and cleaning my room," I joined them, along with mother. She took a little bit more convincing, but I knew that something like this wasn't going to happen again. We went to this party and we're very excited to finally be there. The room was full of democrats. Everyone had Barack Obama shirts on. There was a band who sang nothing but songs about him. Six screens around the room and even Tammy Baldwin and Jim Doyle showed up.

The experience was life-changing.

I saw "Barack Obama is the President" and it changed my life. I no longer felt scared. I felt a sense of hope come across my body.

My biggest fear was that my children were going to suffer through all of this, when I could have helped save it. And I could see the fear leave the room after Barack Obama was elected president. I could feel the excitement overwelming everyone around me, because it seems like poeple had the same fears as me, and once they were gone, everyone could finally be happy.

Barack has showed me hope and desire to change.

Our country needs change. We need something to hope for. We need something to live for.

I believe he is the thing.


Shauna L said...

I wish I would of gone to that party. My father told me about it, but I was too busy that night, now I regret it because it would have been an amazing experience.
Nice blog! :)

Lindsey R said...

I wish you would have invited me to go!! I think your right, Obama IS the man for the job.. change is what our country needs.

Anna said...

I am also happy that Barack Obama is our president. I agree with your views and it must of been cool to be at that party.

Katie B. said...
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Katie B. said...

That must have been so amazing to be there with so many other people who share the same views as you at the moment when Barack was elected President. I have no doubt in my mind that he will be a great President and exactly what our country needs...especially now.

Hannah T said...

That sounds really fun! I remember watching news about the election,and I got a little worried because John McCain won the first state, so it was amazing to find out that Obama won. I'm so glad that he won for pretty much the same reasons you were. Our country would probably have kept going in a downward spiral if he wasn't elected!